From skill and experience mapping to the KYSO methodology
The Challenge: After taking over an existing team from different areas and experience levels, I was faced with a key challenge: how can I develop a team whose members I had not selected myself and which had previously been managed without clear documentation in such a way that it works efficiently and effectively in the long term? Without a structured overview of skills, experience, and potential, it was difficult to introduce targeted development measures and create a team structure that would be effective in the long term.
The Goal: My immediate goal was to create a solid, data-based foundation to provide targeted support and develop a clear structure to set the team up for long-term success.
The initial skill and experience mapping: To better understand the team and set it up in a targeted manner. The first step was to carry out a skills and experience mapping exercise. This method recorded the key skills and experience of each team member and provided a structured overview in the following categories:
Basic personal information - for better understanding within the team.
Strengths profile - identification of individual strengths, including through tests such as Gallup CliftonStrengths.
Soft and hard skills - social and professional skills assessment on a scale of 1 to 5.
Industry and professional experience - overview of industry knowledge and years of professional experience.
Result of the skills and experience mapping: The mapping provided a clear, data-based team overview that derived well-founded decisions on team structure and targeted development measures. This allowed team members to be optimally deployed based on their skills, improving their efficiency and collaboration. The mapping quickly identified and addressed potential areas for development. The method proved so successful that it was soon adopted in other departments.
Evolution to the KYSO methodology: Over time, I concluded that simply recording skills and experience did not yet provide the full picture of a team's potential. I therefore developed the skills and experience mapping into the KYSO method, which also takes into account the values and needs of each team member. This extension allows a holistic view that goes beyond pure skills development and strengthens long-term commitment and motivation.
Unlock your team's full potential with the KYSO Method – a data-driven approach to foster potential and sustainable growth.
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Driven by data, the KYSO methodology empowers human-centered decisions to unlock team potential and sustainable growth.